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Seeking the Philosopher’s Stone

Technological Acceleration toward Biologic

Consider the question, “If you could live as long as you chose in a youthful healthy body, how long would that be?” What seems like a reasonable answer may be wildly conservative compared to your true potential. The science that is striving to allow us to achieve unlimited youthful life spans is accelerating at an enormous pace. A notion that was once only a dream of science fiction now has mainstream scientists describing this as reachable in the not too distant future. Combining esoteric methods with evolving mainstream technologies may offer the most potent pathway to living vastly longer lives—and enjoying doing so.

Longer Lifespans: Science Fiction as well as Science Fact

According to author and Cambridge University research scientist Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., “Life expectancy will be in the region of 5,000 years . . . by the year 2100.” Dr. de Gray puts forward the view that true indefinite youthful life spans are possible. He holds that the most significant medical research program that could be supported is that which frees humanity from the suffering of the aging process. ¹

Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, Ph.D. uses the phrase “live long enough to live forever” to describe a series of three bridges of longevity, the third of which offers indefinite healthy life spans. ² The belief of both authors in such potential extremes of longevity is substantially fueled by the rapid expansion of technology. Futurist John L. Peterson states that in the next ten years technology will advance eighty times that of the entire twentieth century, and so forth exponentially. This concept is embodied in the statement from medical longevity conferences: “If you can live for five more years, you can live another thirty years; if you live another thirty years, you may be able to live indefinitely.” ³
The purpose of such extended lives is perhaps best stated by the character Lazarus Long in a science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein. Lazarus Long appears to have the fate of ideal genetics to live indefinitely and praises long life, as it gives him “time enough to learn, time enough to grow, time enough for love.” ⁴ Lazarus Long’s is an odyssey of an extraordinarily enriching life—with even enough time to travel the stars.

A Lifelong Passion

My personal contributions to the realm of technologies related to life extension hearken to a triune lifelong passion for lasers, time machines, and DNA. In the third grade I developed a profound love of lasers and was probably among the few eight-year olds who could tell you that laser stood for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” I even purchased plans for how to build one, though eventually chose the expedient option of just buying them. When I was ten, I built my first time machine and it worked—at least after a fashion! This “time machine” was based on the concept that during the Earth’s geological history, the intensity and polarity of the Earth’s magnetic fields changed numerous times. The hypothesis was that if you mimicked the altered field of a different geological era, the growth of plants would reflect the patterns of that different time. My father helped me build a space-capsule-type device with active and adjustable magnetics. The experimental subjects were radish seeds, which were easy to get and free of the need for Institutional Review Board approval to use. Placing the seeds in field intensities stronger than the Earth’s field generally resulted in increased germination rates of the seeds.

An Epiphany: The Nature of DNA

During my second year of medical school there, I had the occasion to drink champagne instead of plating petri dishes during my microbiology lab. My lab instructor, Dr. Daniel Nathans, had just won a Nobel Prize in Medicine. He, and another microbiology lab instructor for the class, Dr. Hamilton O. Smith, shared the Nobel Prize for landmark work with DNA, along with Swiss researcher Werner Arber. They were awarded the prize for their research into restriction endonucleases, a class of enzymes that cuts DNA in very specific places, depending on the particular enzyme. This work has made possible an explosion of research and discovery in the fine details of DNA structure and function. These enzymes were instrumental in the ability to pursue and successfully complete the Human Genome Project, the full enumeration of the entire base pair sequence of the three billion base pairs of human DNA.
My subsequent training resulted in completing a specialty in internal medicine, as well as subspecialties in pulmonary and intensive care medicine at Georgetown University Hospital. During my pulmonary fellowship, one of our most frequent procedures was doing bronchoscopic studies on persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and pneumonia. Unlike persons with intact immune systems, who usually have a single pathogen with pneumonia, persons with AIDS can have multiple concurrent infections and special specimens must be collected from the lungs via a bronchscopic tube passed through the nose for complete diagnostic information. During this time, a flash of insight struck me that there may be a better way to treat AIDS than the antiviral drugs that were laden with heavy toxicities. In an intuitive perception, it seemed likely that the viral genetic material would have a different folding pattern than human DNA. If this were so, a differential structure would logically give rise to a different molecular resonance frequency pattern for the virus compared to the human genetic material. Theoretically, it would be then possible to produce a resonance frequency pattern that could alter the virus and leave the human DNA unaffected. If successful, this would offer the potential of a very specific and nontoxic intervention to inhibit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS.
To pursue this inspiration, I moved to southern California for its open-minded thinking, rich biotech industry and its concentration of teachers of energetic healing methods. During a meditation class, an epiphany occurred. Much as in the movie Contact, there was an abrupt movement of awareness to what was perceived as a type of gate or portal. Eight-foot guards with curved swords spoke of the sacredness of the domain and warned of the need to use the information responsibly. Upon going through the doorway, I was greeted by a space filled with DNA—as though it had been magnified from nuclear size to room-filling size. The communication received was that the scientific understanding of DNA was correct but incomplete.
While DNA was indeed a massive linear code with instruction sets for how to build all the proteins, enzymes and receptors of the body, the integration of the information went well beyond the linear code. DNA was described as having a geometry of coils within coils in a medium with moving charges that resulted in magnetic field emanations from DNA. Further, it was communicated that if it could be determined how the DNA emanated in healthy versus unhealthy cells, it would be possible to create electromagnetic signals that literally instructed DNA to return to a state of health. In addition, an old cell could be instructed to function as a young cell again.
This epiphany had a flavor reminiscent of the story of Friedrich August Kekulé, the chemist who uncovered the mystery of chemical structure. Kekulé awoke from a dream in which he saw a snake swallowing its own tail. He had been laboring to discern the chemical structure of benzene that had proved elusive. This dream gave him the insight that benzene was a ring rather than a linear structure, thus giving birth to modern organic chemistry.
While the information was deeply inspiring, no guidance was given as to how to accomplish the task. Review of prior electromagnetic methods that were amazingly successful began to build a picture of the type of technology that could produce the exquisitely tuned signals required to achieve selective molecular resonance effects. Through the scientific grapevine I was led to Scottish physicist Scott Strachan. He was the first scientist who didn’t say what I was suggesting was impossible—he kindly felt it only highly improbable. Despite his initial reservations, within six weeks he had accomplished an ingenious feat of engineering that achieved the requested specifications.

Making the Dream a Reality

The breakthrough discovery was the creation of an optical device that converted the output of a laser into a novel waveform with extraordinary properties. Consider that a typical laser beam has waves of light that march in step, peaks matching peaks and valleys matching valleys. When such waves are added together, they produce an amplified wave that delivers the useful attributes of lasers in technologies from compact disc players to laser surgery. The invention was able to cause the waves to line up in pairs exactly out of phase, peaks to valleys and valleys to peaks. When such wave pairs are added, the waves cancel each other. Two visible waves are added together to yield an invisible result.
An equivalent way of showing this waveform is to have the waves aligned in phase once again peaks to peaks and valleys to valleys with one key and highly important difference. Instead of the arrows of the wave pointing in the same direction as before, one wave points to the left and the other to the right. The wave going right is conventionally described as going forward in space and forward in time. What is most interesting is that the wave going to the left, even according to conventional quantum physics, is not only going backward in space but also going backward in time. This is the first stable efficient engineering of a wave containing time reversed light, with the flow of time reversing at the quantum level.
A wave of light coming toward you would appear to be moving in a spiral as it goes through a cycle of polarization changes with every wavelength. The waveform described above would appear as a spiral with its counterspiral moving in phase but in the opposite direction. DNA also has a specific spiral/counterspiral form. Thus the new laser waveform produced by the optical device has geometry and directional opposition just like DNA. The optical device uses lasers to create a waveform that parallels the form of DNA and has an element that reverses the flow of time. Thus the originating passions of lasers, time machines, and DNA have combined into a singular invention.

Real Results

The first experiment was done at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. The beam of the device was passed through a flask of human leukemic cells—a tumor of the bone marrow in which white blood cells proliferate excessively. The observation made twenty-four hours later had never been seen before. The randomly suspended cells had aggregated into a coherent linear strand so large they could be seen without a microscope. Further microscopic study showed a reversal of the pathologic behavior and appearance of the cells. Molecular studies showed that there had been a significant increase in expression of proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication and cell-to-cell adherence. This reflected a reversal of tumor biology at the molecular level as well.
With this success of the first prototype, a second generation system was built with a higher frequency designed for inhibition of HIV. Treating infected human immune cells in culture resulted in an up to 80 percent inhibition of production of the virus. The proprietary laser technology allows for the specific targeting of particular molecules or even molecular regions. Thus far, the treated cells have appeared to be free of significant toxic effects from application of the laser. Research is continuing to define the best mode of application to offer potential promise with respect to this condition.
A quantum light-based technology for inhibiting HIV is outside the standard delivery paradigm, and a predictably lengthy path of development and implementation is anticipated. To deliver the subtle benefits of the laser process, it was intuited that crystalline structures, such as purified individual amino acids, may be able to store energy in some form. This hypothesis was tested by preparing a formulation of amino acids intended to boost the function of the brain. There are twenty primary amino acids that form the building blocks for the protein chemistry that DNA directs. Amino acids are also the direct precursors for many of the neurotransmitters of the brain—substances that send signals from one nerve cell to another.
Using a method called quantitative electroencephalogram (EEG), baseline measures of energy and wave patterns were taken over several brain areas in the baseline state. The untreated formula was given to test subjects and resulted in a significant increase in the power output of the brain. The laser enhanced formula was then given to the same test subjects, and this produced a further statistically significant increase in brain power over the untreated formula. Whereas the untreated formula produced multiple coherence abnormalities in the brain, the treated amino acids resulted in much improved coherence.
In the most compelling subject, the average increase in brain power was 38 percent with the untreated amino acids compared to a 55 percent increase in the laser treated amino acids. Untreated amino acids increased the regions of abnormal coherence from one to ten, whereas the treated amino acids reduced the coherence abnormalities to none. Thus laser enhancement delivered both greater brain power and better brain wave coherence enhancement.
A beta test was done with about 300 subjects with a study duration of four months. During this time, over 95 percent of subjects reported one or more improvements of learning, memory, problem solving, stress reduction or improvement of organs of physical sensation. Interestingly, 75 percent of subjects reported a sense of increased closeness to Source at the conclusion of the test. This amino acid formula became the basis of the brain boosting formula called GemAminos™.
A company was formed to provide laser-enhanced nutritional supplementation. The name chosen was Gematria, after the ancient mystery school practice of coding number patterns into the letters of words, which numeric patterns could then be decoded to provide a deeper level of information. This is much akin to the coding of subtle vibrational information into the bond structure of molecules. The other related definition of Gematria is drawn from the book The Keys of Enoch and is stated as, “the science of determining the input energy to build a body of consciousness.” ⁵

The Science of Aging

The core concept of the laser process for nutrient enhancement at the molecular level is producing self-similar, efficiently metabolized shapes of the molecules. A nutrient that has been extracted and purified may undergo deformations of shape due to the processing steps. The targeted application to nutrients is producing frequency patterns that stimulate backbone resonances in the molecules. This will tend to flatten, straighten, and untwist the molecules thus treated, producing a form that is generally highly efficiently used by enzyme systems of the body. This process of homogenization of form has been confirmed by x-ray crystallography, a test that places in space all the atoms in the studied molecules. In addition, a variety of in vitro studies have shown that gram for gram, the laser-resonated molecules are statistically significantly more active for their intended purpose than the untreated molecules.
At the DNA level, there are two principal clocks that measure, reflect and appear to affect physiologic aging. These are DNA methylation and length of the telomeres, the ends of the chromosomes. A methyl group is the simplest organic hydrocarbon group. It consists of a single carbon atom with three hydrogen atoms. This is the basis of many single carbon transfer reactions, building organic molecules one carbon group at a time.
The methylation reactions support approximately 200 core chemical pathways in the body. Perhaps the most important pathway of all for longevity is the methylation of DNA. At the time of birth, methyl groups are placed on cytosine residues in precise places on DNA specific to a particular type of cell. Over time these groups tend to “fall off,” failing to be properly replaced with cell replication. When 40 percent of the groups present at birth fall off, degenerative demise of the organism typically occurs. Any intervention that slows, stops or reverses the loss of methyl groups from DNA slows, stops or reverses aging at the DNA level.
A marker of the status of methylation chemistry is the level of blood homocysteine, an amino acid. Elevation of homocysteine above seven carries increasing degrees of disturbances of methylation. A level of fifteen carries a four-fold greater risk of a heart attack or a stroke and double the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A high homocysteine level suggests that DNA methylation and hundreds of other chemical pathways are functioning suboptimally.

Testing the Formula

Given the quintessential importance of this chemistry, we formulated into one composition the key nutrients the body requires to lower homocysteine to optimal levels. These include vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid, as well as trimethylglycine (betaine) and choline. The betaine was shown upon x-ray crystallography to have a structurally enhanced form for its intended purpose.
This laser-enhanced methylation formula was then subjected to an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled clinical study of increasing doses of the study formula. At all dosage levels there was a highly statistically significant reduction of homocysteine, whereas no reduction was seen in the placebo control group.
The overall treatment group showed reduced homocysteine levels from nine to six. Most impressive was the subgroup with high homocysteine levels that showed an overall decrease from thirteen to seven over a three-month period. Based on other large population studies, this degree of reduction suggests an approximately 60–70 percent reduction of cardiovascular risk. A homocysteine level of thirteen is typical of a person in their sixties, whereas a level of seven would be usual for a person in their twenties, suggesting a significant potential benefit for slowing, stopping and reversing aging at the DNA level.
Extensive weekly symptom surveys were performed with persons in the active formula group, showing improvements in scales of anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, paranoia and hostility. One subject was found to have severe active lupus. Over the course of the study, plus a five-month extension of use, her homocysteine dropped from seventeen to four, and she had complete clinical and laboratory remission. In autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, there tends to be extensive selective DNA demethylation of immune cells on the order of 50 percent. Improving DNA methylation in these conditions may be helping to overcome a primary information defect.

Why It Works

Methylation helps to rebuild myelin sheaths of nerves, repair cell membranes, balance the chemistry of the brain, protect the liver, and restore aging proteins to function. This chemistry is central in many detoxification pathways and helps to clear insecticides, pesticides, and histamine. This pathway is especially supportive of clearing toxic heavy metals from the body. Compared to baseline elimination, a wide range of heavy metals have been seen to increase markedly in excretion through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Mercury has shown this effect particularly well, its elimination increasing from 3-fold to as high as 550-fold over baseline with this formula called HeartGems™.
The presence of high homocysteine levels has been shown to accelerate shortening of the telomeres. As cells divide, the telomeres capping the ends of the chromosomes, likened to the plastic that protects the ends of shoelaces, tend to shorten. When the telomeres shorten excessively, the cells stop dividing, this being the other major timing clock within DNA. Lowering homocysteine has the added benefit of preserving the length of the telomeres. There are now lines of evidence to suggest that if telomere length can be maintained at a youthful level, this accomplishment alone may suffice to immortalize normal cells in a healthy youthful state.
Besides supporting methylation to rejuvenate DNA and many other systems, giving DNA itself—along with RNA—offers profound anti-aging effects. In an amazing 1973 study performed by Dr. Max Odens, he divided 750-day-old rats into two groups.⁶ The control animals all expired within 150 days as expected. In contrast, the treated animals who received once a week injections of DNA and RNA survived an additional 850–1,500 days, doubling and even tripling the life span of the animals. Other studies showed that providing supplemental nucleic acids in various forms and combinations tripled the survival of animals with staph infection in the blood and increased survival in animals with severe radiation exposure by a factor of ten: from 5 percent to 50 percent. Perhaps most compellingly, the mortality of adults hospitalized in an intensive care unit with severe illnesses decreased from 29 percent to 0 percent with this intervention.
It is generally believed that oxidative stress as described in the concept of free radical generation is a type of slow burn that contributes to aging. A free radical can cascade through tissue and harm up to 5,000 molecules per free radical formed. Antioxidants are molecules that can quench the free radicals before they cause significant injury, like microscopic fire extinguishers that put out the fires.
The usual measure of the antioxidant potency of a substance is described as its oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). A typical serving of fruits and vegetables has an ORAC value of 350–500. After six years of research to identify the most potent and highest quality plant extract antioxidants available, we prepared a formula called Phyto5000™. It contains highly concentrated extracts of green and white tea, many types of vibrant berries, including the exotic açai and mangosteen fruits, and French maritime bark extract. It also contains resveratrol, the red wine component found to be highly heart protective. Ginkgo biloba is also provided for supporting healthy microcirculation in the brain and the eye. This rich composition of phytonutrients—phyto meaning “plant”—was intended to provide an ORAC value of 5,000 per capsule. When measured in a standard lab for the industry, the total ORAC value calculated out to over 42,000 units per capsule.

Kryon Weighs In

Nutrients treated with the quantum enhancement process of the laser have often produced especially good results. This may be well explained by the homogenization process described for improving nutrient bioavailability. Recent information provided by Lee Carroll, a regular contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence!, suggests an even deeper dynamic may be at play.
Lee experiences communication from a being described as Kryon, who represents his expertise is in understanding the magnetic grids of the Earth, their shifting properties and the influence of these on human health and consciousness. While the esoteric information provided is mainly spiritual and therefore unverifiable, Kryon has made several predictions about the Earth’s magnetic grids and astrophysical phenomena that have proven true.
With respect to the process of the laser, Lee has recently stated, “Kryon has indicated that the laser-enhanced nutrients tend to create something new. The mechanism for all DNA to align in purpose isn’t spoken of much. Yet if we have the akash in every double helix, then there has to be some kind of common language or signal that the entire DNA choir ‘knows’ when it comes to the creation of genes that adhere not only to the parent’s genetic instructions but also to karmic energy and to that of astrological attributes at birth. This mystery alignment signal works naturally, but not at a level of efficiency that we would like. It is there to build the Human and keep it running, but that’s about it.
“The supplements don’t just enhance this coherence of alignment signal, for that’s a linear process. Kryon says that the laser creates a quantum confluence—a melding of purpose. Therefore, Kryon says the laser opens up the quantum confluence signal so that the communication of the DNA is no longer only linear. We then have a linear and non-linear signal combined: the confluence.
This of course tends to activate the interdimensional layers of DNA, and then we begin some real biological changes that won’t be seen as logical to a linear examination (beyond expectations for energy level input). I think this is what you were seeing, even in the early days of watching certain crystalline alignment attributes that were unusual. It’s a quantum meld, and I feel this is one of the core issues of why the imbuing of the laser into the supplements works.
“With a deep interest in all aspects of cellular rejuvenation, in the past few years I have intuitively developed a system of vocally produced tone patterns that seem to have a deeply calming and restorative effect. According to Kryon, this reflects an ancient remembrance of using a system of tones to live youthfully for a very long time. While such a statement cannot be proven, it is interesting that the system of tones sprang into mind almost fully formed. With little formal voice training and even less practice, it was a surprise to feel compelled to share a type of singing with groups of people, even those with professional voice instructors and opera singers in the audience. The tonal patterns are provided as an experiential element that balances technical information. Stress reduction and feelings of wellbeing are frequent. Reducing stress through any method will be generally beneficial.”

* * *

As to the next steps of development for the laser technology, the horizons are very broad with respect to life extension. Dr. de Gray describes achieving indefinite, high vitality longevity as requiring only seven biological engineering steps to be made. Fuller development of the quantum coherence-enhancing laser technology has the potential to contribute significantly to at least six of the seven required accomplishments. In particular, the laser may contribute to several technical solutions sought in the use of stem cells. If all goes well, it is possible that later this year basic research in this arena will become quite active. Due to the low level of heat and high level of safety, basic discoveries may have a relatively rapid progression to pilot clinical testing. There is a particular likelihood of assisting the paralyzed to walk again depending on the outcome of test tube studies being developed. There are several types of stem cells that are rightfully free of controversy of use. Well developed, such technologies will likely be at the cornerstone of profound regeneration medicine.
Thus we are moving into a time where living much longer and more youthfully than our recent forebears may become a personal choice. The better you preserve your cells and organs while awaiting such technical developments, the greater the chance of receiving the maximum benefit from them. Let us hope we take this opportunity of unprecedented life spans and use our extra time wisely and well. *

1. De Grey, Aubrey and Michael Rae. Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs that Could Reverse Aging in Our Lifetime (2007). St. Martin’s Press.
2. Kurzweil, Ray. Fantastic Voyage (2004). Rodale Press.
3. Petersen, John L. A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change (2008). Fulcrum Publishing.
4. Heinlein, Robert Time Enough for Love (1987). Ace Publishing.
5. Hurtak, J.J. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch (1977). Academy for Future Science.
6. Odens, Max. Prolongation of Lifespan in Rats. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 1973, XXI: pp. 450-451.


Brilliant summary of QI Laser activated nutrients

I recently performed a blind study incorporating four (4) of Dr Todd Ovokaitys's QI-Laser activated nutrients using biophotonic imaging technology that measures the human energy field. The technology used was developed by Dr Konstantin Korotkov, and is internationally recognised as one of the most advanced quantum technology devices for human 'light' energy detection and measurement.

Without a doubt, I can personally confirm that all participants in our blind study returned enourmous increases in their physiological energy, their chakric energy and balance, while simultaneously achieving a considerable reduction in physiological stress.

This article has now provided me with additional information to much better understand how the nutrients have been activated and assisted the participants with their benefits. I am gratefully appreciative that you have published this article here.

Kind Regards,
Doug Strandly