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Continuity of Life Series

The Continuity of Life teachings speak to us as individuals and as a species — as a life form that is able to take control of its own evolution — the evolution of its consciousness. This is the time to rise above the confines of physical plane restrictions, to become all we are, and to reach beyond the limitations we have assumed are natural.

We are at a critical juncture in the history of life and time. What we do on Earth, while embodied in physical, third dimensional reality has a profound impact on everything around us. We can contribute to a great and critical re-balancing and support the press for free will by beginning with our own. This is what survival is all about.

In This Series

Endings Are Beginnings: Navigating Your Hard Times Into Higher States

Gain a new perspective on healing trauma, illness, and addictions and a more positive way of looking at daily challenges and transitions. Take a journey of the heart, mind, and soul into the infinite realm of hope and possibility, transformation and transcendence, and heightened awareness.

Embracing Eternity: The Life Force Does Not Die

Change Your Life and Reach Beyond Unnecessary Limitations!

Embracing Eternity: The Life Force Does Not Die weaves the profound linkage between all of life's challenges as well as physical death and extends this linkage to the life of the consciousness—here and beyond. It further explains the fundamental shifts in awareness involved in mastering all transitions.

Healing Earth in All Her Dimensions

Empower Yourself and Your Species. Take Control of Your Own Evolution.